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출발지 주소 | |
길 타입 | |
Private one bedroom unit with kitchen and private bathroom in the back of a gated property. Available to move in 2nd week of October 2024
Ideal for a couple or two students to share
Deposit $350
Two minutes walking distance to bus stops going towards Santa Monica, UCLA Westwood, Downtown Los Angeles,
소재지 | 1490 South Redondo Boulevard, Los Angeles (Sentous), California, 90019 USA | ||
임대료 | $1,460.00/월 | 방 타입 | 프라이빗 |
카테고리 | 숙박장소 | 주차장 | 스트리트 |
건물 타입 | 각종스튜디오 | 입주가능일 | 2024/10/15 |
시설/조건 | 에어컨,욕실화장실 별,냉장고,버스정류장근처,세탁기 |
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