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  • [Registrant] : ベビ寺
  • [Language]日本語
  • [Location]Little tokyo
  • Posted : 2024/02/01
  • Published : 2024/02/01
  • Changed :2024/04/02
  • Total View : 722 persons
Mom friends

Baby Terakoya ( Japanese Language Play Group ) Members wanted / Free visit

Baby Terakoya is a Japanese language playgroup for children ages 0-3 years old that meets every Tuesday at Zenshuji Temple in Little Tokyo.

In addition to singing Japanese songs together, reading picture books and doing seasonal crafts, we also have field trips, birthday parties, Halloween and Christmas parties. Also, they can participate in events sponsored by the temple such as Mochitsuki (rice cake pounding), Setsubun-kai (Setsubun festival), and Obon festival.
Terakoya has no teachers, and is managed by parents who collect and manage a small amount of activity fees together and cooperate with each other. Therefore, the Terakoya is also a good place for parents to exchange information with each other. It is also a good place to relax, discuss problems, get advice, and chat over a cup of coffee.

We also offer free tours, so please feel free to contact us. You are welcome to join us from the middle of the day or go home. We look forward to seeing you !

Families with children aged 0-3
Email :
* Please include the parent's name, the child's name and age, your email address and phone number. parent's name, child's name and age, email address, and phone number.


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