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Jesus ・ Christ offers those who believe in him forgiveness of sins, deliverance from suffering and sickness, hope for life, and light in a world of darkness.
Let us thank Jesus and worship with him.
If you don't know Jesus yet, this is a great opportunity to hear the words of the Bible and find out what He has done for you ?
Everyone is welcome to join us.
Sabbath Service Information
Saturday, December 7
9 : 00 Japanese Ministry
11 : 00 English service
If you are bringing children that day, there will be a children's church school time during the service. Please see this page for details.
Other details and activities are available on the church website. Please click on the link below.
Jesus ・ Christ died on the cross and rose again three days later. ・ This was so that those who believed in His death and resurrection would receive forgiveness of sins, be restored to a relationship with God the Father, be given eternal life, and be set on the path to live as new persons.
Everyone is welcome to join us.
"I am the resurrection. I am life. He who believes in Me, , though he may die, he shall live." ( John 11 : 25 )
Worship during the week :
Advanced Bible Study Monday Sunday 7 PM : 00, English 6 PM : 00
Prayer School ( Japanese/English combined ) Friday 6 PM : 00
( All are US California Pacific Time )
You can also join us via the live streaming link below.
Venue | Davar ( Davar ) Kingdom of God Chapel |
Address | 2750 New York Drive, Pasadena, カリフォルニア州, 91107 アメリカ合衆国 |
Date | 2024/12/6 - 2024/12/6 |
Time | 9:00 minute(s) - 12:30 minute(s) |
Time detail | 9 : 00 Japanese language section 11 : 00 English service |
Getting here | New York driveを西側Alta Dena方面から走行すると進入しやすいです。 駐車場完備 |
Venue detail | 「Coral Innovation Center」ビルディング内 |
Please use the above URL or QR code to see this online.