出発地の住所 | |
ルートタイプ | |
It's been a while since an art class has appeared in the STEAM class !
What are colors ? How many colors are there ?
The three primary colors ( Red, Blue and Yellow ) How many colors can you create by combining these colors? Make a color chart to see how many colors can be created by combining the three primary colors
This class is designed to help students develop their creative ・ and imaginative ・ powers of concentration while learning the basics of color and enjoying the subtle changes in color tones, even in the order in which colors are layered.
★ Know colors by hue rings - make a color chart and learn the basics of color.
★ Using only the three primary colors, create your own drawings and craft works, free from fixed ideas.
★ Just be free to be yourself !
Details ・ Please contact us to register.
会場 | 1820 West Carson Street Torrance, CA 90501 |
住所 | トーランス, カリフォルニア州, 90501 アメリカ合衆国 |
日程 | 2022年5月14日~2022年5月14日 |
時間 | 10時00分~11時15分 |
時間詳細 | |
アクセス | |
会場詳細 |