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  • [Registrant]Hana
  • [Language]日本語
  • [TEL]7325803687
  • Posted : 2024/10/05
  • Published : 2024/10/05
  • Changed :2024/10/05
  • Total View : 403 persons
Women's clothing

Summer Kimono Yukata

Price $ 80
Location Irvine, California, 92614 アメリカ合衆国
Delivery Option Pick-up only

I was wearing it. I took very good care of it and it is in excellent condition. Not a single stain or scratch.
I think the target height is from 158cm to 168cm. I am 163cm.

If you need, I can provide underwear, a waist cord, an obi (for yukata), an obi board, a collar core, etc., which I used to use.

If shipping is necessary, I will send them to you at your expense.


Vivinavi - Personal Buy & Sell

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