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  • [Registrant] : City of Hermosa Beach
  • [Language]日本語
  • [Location]Hermosa Beach, CA, US
  • Posted : 2024/05/17
  • Published : 2024/05/17
  • Changed :2024/05/17
  • Total View : 211 persons

E-Newsletter 5.17.2024 | Memorial Day ☀️, Fiesta Hermosa🎉 , and “Be Ready” Resident Emergency Preparedness Seminar 🦺

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May 17, 2024 | News from the City of Hermosa Beach



"At its May 15th meeting, City Council recognized Youth Entrepreneurs of the Year, for their participation in Lemonade Day in Hermosa Beach on April 21, 2024. We commend their entrepreneurial spirit and limitless future as community leaders."

Here's The Latest

*Fiesta Hermosa*

The 53rd annual Fiesta Hermosa will be hosted by Hermosa Beach Chamber of Commerce from May 25-27. Community members and visitors are invited to enjoy local food, vendors and music – the festivities will begin at 11:00 A.M. on Saturday, May 25th and will run through Monday May 27th, with the last band beginning at 7:00 P.M. This year’s event will feature 250 vendors along Pier and Hermosa Avenues, a carnival, live music and more.

As a friendly reminder, local parking will be limited and we encourage everyone to walk, bike, or use public transportation where possible. For friends who may be visiting from out of town, the park-and-ride will be offered again this year and will be located in the Northrup Grumman lot on Aviation Boulevard at 33rd Street in North Redondo Beach. Further information on parking and transportation can on the event website [ ] and on the City’s event Calendar.


**Memorial Day**

On May 27th, The City will observe Memorial Day and honoring all U.S. military personnel who have died while serving in the Armed Forces. As a City and community, we express our gratitude to the brave men and women who have made the ultimate sacrifice to keep our nation safe.

In observance of this important holiday, Street Sweeping and Pacific Coast Highway parking will not be enforced on Monday, May 27th but all other parking regulations will remain in effect. Trash collection will also be paused on Monday the 27th and, as a result, pickups will be postponed by one day for the remainder of the week.

City Hall and the Community Center will reopen for in-person services on Tuesday, May 28th. As always, the Hermosa Beach Police Department and Public Works Departments will remain available over the holidays. You may contact the City with any issues by calling the non-emergency Police Department phone line at (310) 524-2750.

*Housing Element Update *

On April 5th, California Housing and Community Development (HCD) completed its second 60-day review of the City’s adopted Housing Element and issued a comment letter. The comment letter requested additional information pertaining to the City’s Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH) policies, the use of “small sites” for potential housing opportunities, how existing uses would not impede residential development, and clarification about zoning changes. 

On May 3rd, staff completed the requested revisions to the Housing Element, posted the revised document to the City’s website, and emailed notification of the posting to over 3,000 individuals. The revised Housing Element was formally resubmitted last Tuesday. 

HCD now has 60 days to complete its review and staff requested expedited review given that there were no substantive changes to the document. HCD did request several zoning changes, which will be heard by Planning Commission at its May 21st meeting and City Council next month.

Staff appreciates and ongoing support of the public, City Council, and the City’s legislative representatives. We will provide further updates as they become available. 

*Summer Zone Residential Parking Permits *

Friendly reminder to all residents who live and park in the zone where Summer one-hour restricted parking applies. New residential parking permits must be displayed as of today, May 15th and enforcement will continue through September 15th.  For more information regarding the Summer Zone area, please visit the City’s website [ ] or contact City staff at (310) 318-0217 for assistance.


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Get Involved

"*Be Ready” Resident Emergency Preparedness Seminar*

Please join us on Wednesday, May 22nd at 6:00pm in the Council Chambers at City Hall for a speaking event focused on emergency preparedness specifically designed for residents. We will be partnering with Los Angeles County Fire Department and Hermosa Beach Police Department to discuss how to "Be Ready" in case of emergencies. This event will be available on City's YouTube Channel and residents unable to attend in-person may submit questions by May 21st to We hope to see you there. 

be ready

Hermosa 5-O Open House

Hermosa Five-O Senior Activity Center will be hosting its Open House Celebration on May 30 from 4-6 p.m. Which is located in Hermosa Beach Community Center. The Center welcomes all South Bay Residents over the age of 50 to the event, which will showcase some of its amazing programs and provide an opportunity to learn more.


Enjoy Your City

City of Hermosa Beach Pier

*View All City and Community Events* [ ]

*Mychal's 22nd Annual Luncheon & Auction*

Saturday, May 18th, 11:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Location: Westdrift Hotel in Manhattan Beach

_About the Event:_ The Annual Luncheon & Auction is their longest standing fundraiser that includes an afternoon of celebration featuring silent & live auctions, student performances, awards, and so much more. Highlighting the spirit of Mychal’s Learning Place, the Annual Luncheon & Auction is the largest fundraiser of the year for the organization supporting more than half of annual fundraising totals. For more information, please visit Hermosa Beach Chamber of Commerce and Visitors Bureau’s website [ ].


*City Council Meeting Recordings*

For those who couldn't make it to this week’s City Council meetings, we've got you covered! Click the link below to access recorded videos:

                      May 15 [ ] - Regular Council Meeting

Live City Council meeting links, agendas, meeting minutes and archived videos are always available on the City's website [ ].  Stay informed about community events, local issues, and policy decisions being made in our community.  


Upcoming City Meetings

*Planning Commission Meeting *

Tuesday, May 21, 2024, 7:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers

*City Council Meeting*

Tuesday, May 28, 2024, 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers

*City Council Special Meeting (FY 2024-25 Budget Study Session) *

Tuesday, June 4, 2024, 6:00 p.m. in the City Council Chambers

*View All Meetings* [ ]


In Case You Missed It 

"At its May 15th meeting, City Council recognized month of May as National Mental Health Awareness Month. Mental health is health and focuses on the social connection. It is fundamental of having a healthy community and we must do all we can to help each other. If you or someone you know needs support now, call or text 988 for help. "


"Additionally, On May 15th, City Council recognized National Water Safety Month. Let's raise awareness and promote safe swimming habits worldwide. Always remember to swim smart and stay vigilant. Additionally, City Council recognized Ocean Lifeguard Jason Napolitano for his leadership, heroism, and self-sacrifice and" "congratulated Ocean Lifeguard Lelei Moore for her retirement after 48 years of dedicated service to our community."



"At its May 15th meeting, City Council also recognized" "May as Jewish American Heritage Month and Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month." "Jewish, Asian, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Americans have served our Nation in uniform and on the Nation’s highest courts. As public servants, scientists, doctors, engineers, artists, entertainers, journalists, community leaders, and so much more, they have helped write the story of America. Diversity is one of our nation’s greatest strengths. We encourage all to learn more and to celebrate the heritage, achievements, and contributions of Jewish, Asian, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Americans."


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City of Hermosa Beach
1315 Valley Drive
Hermosa Beach, CA 90254

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