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Agenda Now Available for the MLK Jr. Celebration and Juneteenth C elebration Advisory Committee Regular Meeting on November 20, 2024
- [Registrant]City of Culver City
- [Language]日本語
- [Location]Culver City, CA
- Posted : 2024/11/15
- Published : 2024/11/15
- Changed : 2024/11/15
- Total View : 46 persons
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Culver City [ ]
Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration and Juneteenth Celebration
Advisory Committee
Regular Meeting
City Seal
Wednesday, November 20, 2024
at 6:30 PM
Culver City Senior Center, Rooms C75 and C77
4095 Overland Ave., Culver City, CA 90232
(Courtesy option to attend virtually via Webex)
*The Agenda and related items are currently available. [ ]*
* "***The public may attend this meeting in person or via video conference".* *******
Virtual attendance is offered as a courtesy. Technical difficulties shall not require meeting postponement.
"*How to Submit Written Public Comment Prior to the Meeting*":
Find the active eComment link [ ]to the right of the agenda date, then choose the agenda item and add your comment. Watch a video tutorial on How to Make an [ ] eCom [ ]ment [ ]. Email comments to or, or mail comments to City Clerk c/o City Clerk’s Office, 9770 Culver Blvd, Culver City, CA 90232, specifically identifying the meeting date.
Comments must be received at least 3 hours in advance of the meeting. Written comments WILL NOT be read aloud during the meeting.
"*How to Attend the Meeting:*"
"Attend In-Person or j""oin online via Webex:" Once the meeting has started, find the meeting link under "Attend a Meeting Remotely" on the City's website [ ]. Registration is no longer required.
"*How to Provide Verbal Public Comment In-Person or Online: ***New Process****"
Find the meeting link under "Request to speak at a Meeting" on the City's website. [ ] Complete and submit the online form. Indicate if you are attending in-person or online and select all the items on which you wish to make a verbal comment. A QR code to the online form will be provided on site for in-person attendees. Verbal public comments are taken at the time the particular agenda item is considered. Requests to speak must be submitted before the start of the public comment period for each agenda item or will not be considered. Whenever reasonable, speakers will be called in chronological order based on when they registered to speak. Each speaker may address the members of the body for up to three minutes.
*"Contact Us:"*
Any person needing reasonable accommodation related to disabilities or if you think you may have technical other issues joining the meeting online should contact in advance the City Clerk’s Office at (310) 253-5851 or via email at
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