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  • Registrant : tanon79
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2024/09/01
  • Published : 2024/09/01
  • Changed :2024/09/01
  • Total View : 483 persons
2024/9/7 / Los Angels / School / Seminar

Kintsugi] Lacquer Workshop ( Admission at any time )

Authentic beauty, with your own hands. Come learn traditional Kintsugi techniques and experience the joy of wholehearted restoration ?.

In the new Kintsugi classes starting in September, students will learn how to restore vessels using traditional techniques and authentic lacquer. Lacquer is safe for food, the finished product is beautiful and can be used safely as everyday vessels.

This class will be conducted in small groups, providing an environment where each participant can progress at his or her own pace. Due to the time required for the lacquer to dry, the class will be divided into six steps. In each step, we will provide support from the basics to the more advanced techniques, allowing even beginners to learn with ease.

In order to participate in the class, you will need to purchase a special Kintsugi kit containing tools and materials.
The regular price is $140, but we offer it to students at a special price of $120.
The kit comes complete with all the necessary materials and will help you to create beautiful Kintsugi pieces.

Take this opportunity to experience the profound world of Kintsugi in a quiet time, facing yourself ?
If you are interested in traditional Japanese crafts and enjoy working with your hands, please join us.

Number of applicants: limited to 8
Duration: 6 sessions ( about 4-6 months )
Location: Los Angeles
Cost: Kintsugi kit fee $ 120 ( Regular price 140 )
Registration: Advance reservation is required via website or phone. Please register as soon as possible as we will close the program as soon as we reach capacity.

Let us breathe new life into it with your own hands.

Venue Uyehara Travel 319 E. 2nd st. Suite 203 Los Angeles CA 90012
Address Los Angels
Date 2024/9/7
Time 10:00 minute(s) - 12:00 minute(s)
Time detail First Saturday of every month *Changes irregularly
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Venue detail DTLA
319 E.2nd st. Suite.203 Los Angeles CA 90012

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