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  • Registrant : Portkaisandiego
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2023/01/17
  • Published : 2023/01/17
  • Changed :2023/01/17
  • Total View : 321 persons
2023/2/4 / San Diego, CA, United States / Education / Children

Seminar organized by NPO Potokai "Work of Researchers

This is a series of job introductions for junior high and high school students ! Junior high and high school students and their parents, as well as those who are "interested in research work" and "like science subjects," and conversely, those who "can't imagine research as a job at all" and "are rather weak in science subjects" are welcome to listen. I would like you to listen to this talk.

"I want to talk about what I wanted to hear when I was in junior high and high school," and "I would be happy if I could be one of the opportunities for junior high and high school students to broaden their perspectives and future possibilities and increase their motivation.

Lecturer] Dr. Jun Onodera ( Chiba University International Advanced Advanced Research Core (IAAR)/La Jolla Institute of Immunology )
1 ) A Researcher's Weekly Schedule
2 ) Why a researcher's job?
3 ) Career path to become a researcher ( University, graduate school, etc. )
4 ) Why do we need to study "things that don't seem related to research" like essays and history in school ?
5 ) Why medical research is meaningful ( Useful vs. useless research )
[Target] Middle and high school students interested in the content ( Elementary school students are also welcome ) and parents, and anyone else who is interested.
[Fee] $10
[Registration link]
[Biography of lecturer] Graduated from the Faculty of Engineering, The University of Tokyo in 2002 and the undergraduate transfer MD-PhD course ) at Chiba University School of Medicine in 2006. D. course at Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences in 2010. After working as an assistant professor at Chiba University G-COE and an assistant professor at Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine, he is currently an associate professor at the University's International Advanced Research Core ・ School of Medicine and a postdoctoral fellow at the La Jolla Institute of Immunology (LJI™) in San Diego, CA.

Venue ZOOM
Address San Diego, CA, United States
Date 2023/2/4
Time 17:00 minute(s) - 18:30 minute(s)
Time detail U.S. Pacific Time (US time)
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