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Sawtelle Smiles Dental

West ・ LA ・ This is a dental clinic in Sawtelle with Japanese speaking staff. The doctor is kind and experienced. We treat carefully with the latest technology.

健康で美しい歯を、それがSawtelle Smiles Dentalの願いです。
患者さん一人ひとりのQuality of Lifeを一番に考え、親切丁寧に説明、指導致します。

Phone +1 (310) 575-8828
Address Suite240, Los Angeles (Sawtelle), CA, 90064 US
Hours Sunday Closed
Monday 9:30-17:00
Tuesday 8:30-17:00
Wednesday 8:30-17:00
Thursday Closed
Friday 8:30-17:00
Saturday 8:30-13:00


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