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  • [Registrant] : NPO
  • [Language]日本語
  • [Location]Anaheim, California, USA
  • Posted : 2024/02/09
  • Published : 2024/02/09
  • Changed :2024/02/09
  • Total View : 441 person
Teach me

Please let me know if you can help me set up a non-profit organization.

Please let me know if you know of any organizations or institutions that may be able to assist us in establishing a non-profit organization in the U.S. at no or low cost.

Also, please let me know of any other information that would be helpful in establishing a non-profit organization.

By the way, if anyone is familiar with the differences between establishing an NPO and a corporation and the advantages ・ and disadvantages of each, a brief description would be greatly appreciated.

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