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  • [Registrant] : YK
  • [Language]日本語
  • [Location]Los Angeles, California, US
  • Posted : 2024/02/08
  • Published : 2024/02/08
  • Changed :2024/02/15
  • Total View : 743 person
Looking for

We are looking for a job at a sushi restaurant that can offer Visa: ‼️

I am in my late 20's and have
about 10 years of experience in sushi restaurants in Tokyo and Saitama, including Michelin-rated restaurants
I am confident that I can handle any kind of work at an above-average level, and I am confident that my enthusiasm and serious attitude towards work are second to none for someone my age. I also have experience in the boardroom.
I am currently working as a head chef at a sushi restaurant in LA.
I have a basic level of English that does not hinder me from serving customers.
I have been in the U.S. for about a year,
I am currently on an E-2 VISA and am looking for a place that will give me a VISA.
I receive a salary of $ 7,000 per month, take-home pay.
If you are interested, please reply.
I don't have a particular location in mind, but I can live outside of LA if the conditions are good.

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