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  • car
  • mail
  • 2023/12/27 21:17


  • 0007
  • 2024/01/01 (Mon) 12:35
  • Report

A speeding ticket is a citation issued by a police officer to a driver who has violated the speed limit. The ticket will typically include information such as the driver’s name, address, driver license number, vehicle registration number, date, time, location, and speed of the violation. The ticket will also indicate the amount of the fine and the number of points that will be added to the driver’s record.

  • 0007
  • 2024/01/01 (Mon) 21:31
  • Report

> It also shows the amount of the fine and the points that will be added to the driver's record.

LOL! What country is this in ?
By the way, old registration is invalid because it has expired.
No. You have to show a cell phone photo or something.

  • 0007
  • 2024/01/01 (Mon) 21:37
  • Report

0007Today 12:35ReportDelete
A speeding ticket is a citation issued by a police officer to a driver who has violated the speed limit. The ticket will typically include information such as the driver’s name, address, driver license number, vehicle registration number, date, time, location, and speed of the violation. The ticket will also indicate the amount of the fine and the number of points that will be added to the driver’s record.


  • 0007
  • 2024/01/01 (Mon) 21:47
  • Report

California はDUI and Moving Violation ticket もらうと自動車保険めちゃめちゃたかくなるけど。

  • 911
  • 2024/01/04 (Thu) 09:58
  • Report


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