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25491. 日本人の女性はなぜ白人が好きな人がおおいの?(5kview/12res) Chat Gratis 2002/12/30 12:32
25492. 神様おねがい!(10kview/33res) Chat Gratis 2002/12/30 05:53
25493. Northridge(2kview/5res) Chat Gratis 2002/12/30 04:16
25494. what do you thinking about Japan?(4kview/7res) Chat Gratis 2002/12/29 23:32
25495. 日本からでーす(9kview/28res) Chat Gratis 2002/12/29 22:41
25496. パスポート紛失・・・(2kview/5res) Preocupaciones / Consulta 2002/12/29 21:46
25497. GCの申請で日本とアメリカどっちがはやいですか?(3kview/9res) Chat Gratis 2002/12/29 18:32
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what do you thinking about Japan?

Chat Gratis
  • yo yo
  • 2002/12/29 16:51

I want to know how you think about japan from live in America. Example: economic, life style and japanese people who live in japan.


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