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  • [登録者] : City of Culver City
  • [言語]日本語
  • [エリア]Culver City, CA
  • 登録日 : 2024/12/10
  • 掲載日 : 2024/12/10
  • 変更日 :2024/12/10
  • 総閲覧数 : 80 人

City Council Members Sworn-In, New Mayor & Vice Mayor Selected

Dan O'Brien will serve as Culver City Mayor for the next year, Freddy Puza selected as Vice Mayor

Culver City [ http://www.culvercity.org/ ] Photo of the new 2025 Culver City City Council
City Council Members Sworn-In,
New Mayor & Vice Mayor Selected


Council Member Dan O'Brien will lead the Culver City City Council in 2025 after being unanimously selected for the position by fellow City Council Members on December 9, 2024. City Council Members also voted unanimously for Council Member Freddy Puza to serve as Vice Mayor.

Mayor O'Brien spoke to the standing-room-only crowd in the Mike Balkman Council Chambers:

"I am truly honored to be your Mayor for the coming year. Although it is largely ceremonial, I know how important it is to represent our community with humility and compassion. I promise I will continue to make myself accessible to hear your input and concerns, and present to celebrate our successes, and to be accountable for the decisions we make here.

I also feel it is necessary to acknowledge the sometimes fractured and divisive tone we've all felt for some time in Culver City, and I'd like to try to have a reset. Whether we agree or disagree on a particular issue, if we're going to criticize, let's criticize the policy position and not the person. We can disagree without being disagreeable. We can decide not to awfulize every decision that is made by this body when you're of the opposite opinion. Sometimes, the obstacle is the way. Disagreements, when approached with the right mindset, can lead to more refined policy that is improved with open debate.

In my life, I always look to find the silver lining in any dark cloud, and I truly do look at things with a glass half-full mindset. I hope everyone can join me in making that same attempt."

O'Brien highlighted the importance of open and public spaces, a thriving business community, services for unhoused individuals, a responsive and community-focused police and fire department, and a welcoming City for anyone.

"With that spirit, let's celebrate the good things and be a part of any opportunity to make a difference in this community," O'Brien said.

Also at the City Council meeting, Albert Vera Jr. and Yasmine-Imani McMorrin were sworn-in for their second term after being re-elected in November. Bryan "Bubba" Fish was also sworn-in, having been elected by residents during the November election. 

After eight years of service on the City Council, Council Member Göran Eriksson ended his term on Monday due to term limits. He reflected on the work he helped accomplish during his time on the City Council, including addressing the homelessness crisis, organizing the Feed Culver initiative during the pandemic, beginning to run City buses on biogas, approving the Culver Steps and Ivy Station developments, and completing a citywide municipal fiber network.

The first City Council meeting in 2025 is set for January 13th at the Culver City Senior Center. The Mike Balkman Council Chambers will be undergoing renovations to its technology systems. 


Photo of Culver City Mayor Dan O'Brien

2025 Culver City Mayor Dan O'Brien


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