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  • Registrant : J Music Band
  • [Language]日本語
  • Posted : 2022/04/20
  • Published : 2022/04/20
  • Changed :2022/04/20
  • Total View : 696 persons
2022/5/29 - 2022/5/29 / Torrance, California / Music live / Concert

Mole Band&J Music Band Live Concert

Live concert by Mole Band playing 70's-80's rock and J Music Band playing Japanese songs.
Come and see ♪.

The average age of the band is 60 ∈?
The Mole Band has come out to the surface after a long time. This time, we planned a live stage with J Music band who entertain us with various Japanese songs.
Please come and join us on a Sunday afternoon with a cup of coffee or a glass of wine and a good chat while chilling out to the live performance of nostalgic songs from the pages of our long ago youth.

Cover charge $ 5 Please tell the receptionist which band you came to see.

Drinks Water, juice, beer, etc. available. ( Charged )
Drinks are not allowed.
Food is allowed to bring in.

Venue Bridge USA
Address 20817 South Western Avenue, Torrance, California, 90501 USA
Date 2022/5/29 - 2022/5/29
Time 14:00 minute(s) - 17:30 minute(s)
Time detail Doors open 1:00PM
2:00 - 3:00PM J Music Band
around 3:30 ~ Mole Band
Getting here
Venue detail Bridge USA Event Hall


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